Thursday, 21 November 2019

Voice of Reason

Been thinking about it. What makes a voice of reason? My understanding is that voice of scriptures, voice of traditions and voice of individual experience shapes individual’s voice of reason.

Voice of scriptures and voice of traditions themselves are not universal, there being no universal scriptures and no universal traditions.

While voice of scriptures and voice of traditions could bring in some amount of conformance and uniformity in the voice of reason within a small group of people, it is the diversity and dissimilarity in personal experiences which will not allow emergence and concurrence for any universal voice of reason even within the small group.

Remembering is eminently a personal experience. One remembers what one has done. Through memory one can appropriate and relive one’s past, and learn from experience. These processes of appropriation, reliving, and learning are often repeated by individuals which keeps creating changes in their voice of reason over time.

There is little chance therefore, that an individual’s voice of reason remains unaltered over time and there is no chance what so ever of a universal voice of reason.

No one is illogical or wrong or unreasonable in personal frames of reference. They appear to be so when someone judges them through their frames of logic or reason.


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