The new buzz word doing rounds in political circles, advocacy
groups, UN charters, strategy think-tanks, compliance and reporting standards
and everywhere else is SUSTAINABILITY.
From times immemorial, Hindus have always believed in
sustainability. It is a part of the social and cultural ethos of the Hindus to
draw the very bare minimum from the Mother Nature (mahābhūta, the
"great" or "gross" elements in Hinduism's sacred literature;
nature-worship including treating every element of nature as a God and religious
ceremony precedes any extraction of resources from nature); followed by every
effort to replenish and refurbish what has been drawn besides responsible
consumption and recycling. Caring for an ecological balance is enabled by worshiping
all kinds of celestial bodies, water-bodies, rivers, mountains, plants and
animals. Defiling the nature or any non-sustainable behaviour is a social and
religious taboo. (That the Hindus have forgotten their own ancient Vedic wisdom
while the west is beginning to adopt some of it is another story).
Many Indians, born in the 60’s or earlier would recall, using
the 5 Ser (later on 4 kg) empty tin cylindrical canisters of ‘Vanaspati’ ghee (particular
brand of Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil sold by a multi-national – always in tins
and never as loose) as storage bins for provisions in the kitchen. These empty canisters
were also recycled and converted into floatation tanks (after small ‘kachcha’
welding to make it airtight) akin to life jackets for learning to swim. One
could get the canisters converted or even buy the already converted from the
Things changed as Indians began emulating the western culture
of ‘use and throw.’ Prior to the 70’s, Indians would reuse, recycle and recover
everything that they used or consumed. They would never discard anything unless
they were sure there was no further use for them. Even while discarding, they
would sell it to ‘raddiwala-kabbadiwala’ (aggregators, who would in turn sell
the trashed materials to recyclers) rather than dump it as urban waste.
‘Use and Throw’ is a very western and capitalistic concept
which has been completely alien to the Hindu Ethos. It is the western greed for
standards of living in disregard to and at the cost of quality of life which
has resulted into non-sustainability of human activity. The same Western nations
are now busy designing and advocating the 17 Sustainability Development Goals.
A closer look at SDG reveals that they are not beyond the Hindu way of life.
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