Building a Potent Knowledge Area in a B-School
business schools organise themselves into a Matrix-like, cross-tabbed structure
of the functional-knowledge domains and Programmes-offered. Programmes-offered
are the specific customer-solutions offered by the institution which would draw
upon the expertise of different functional-knowledge domains as per the
programme-recipe. Functional-knowledge domains are aggregates of academics into
clusters of common knowledge and expertise.
domains offer building blocks for Programmes-offered in the form of courses or
modules. Programmes-Managers pick and sequence these courses or modules from
different functional-knowledge domains, as per the design of individual
programmes to construct the complete programme.
domain members create more universal usage modules and courses for staff-interchange
ability to deliver the modules besides expert modules around individual
capabilities and custom-module requirements for different programmes. The
universal designed courses are usually called as core-courses while the
expert-modules have different names like – elective courses, choice courses or programme-mandatory
job of leading an area (functional domain department) can differ greatly from
one institute to the next and even from one area to the next within the same institute.
area-chairs are merely first among equals — meaning they continue to teach but
may be granted some release time from classroom obligations to handle
scheduling and other administrative tasks. Some chairs play a major role in
hiring and evaluating faculty, while others do little more than manage the
years of working at different b-schools in India and abroad, I have identified
these five as the most universal and the most important of a chair’s
For the Area’s Faculty:
my experience, the most effective area leaders see themselves as faculty first
and administrators second. Their primary role, as they see it, is to be advocate
for their area — for its courses and especially for its faculty-members.
course, faculty members are not always right, and the area’s needs don’t always
supersede those of other areas or the institute as a whole. A chair who is not
seen, first and foremost, as the area’s advocate with higher-ups will likely
have a confused and perhaps difficult period in office.
of the Administration:
sounds contradictory but the fact remains that Area-chairs are administrators,
even if they occupy the lowest tier. There will be times when you have to
present some policy or decision to the faculty, on behalf of the
administration, knowing it will not be well-received or when you are not
thrilled with the latest diktat either.
think its fine for a chair to say, in essence: "Look, I don’t agree with
this either, but I don’t have any more say about it than you do. We’ll just
have to make the best of a bad situation." That sort of honesty generally
earns the respect of the faculty who will appreciate knowing you are on their
side, even if you are similarly powerless. At least you’re powerless together.
Conductor for Harmony:
chair, you will have very little control over whether your institution as a
whole embraces shared governance. But typically, you will have a great deal of
influence within your own sphere. You can employ the principles of shared
governance within your area, regardless of what anyone else at the institution
is doing.
means making sure the committee structure within the area exists not just to
perform the necessary "house-keeping work," like selecting textbooks
and making adjustments to the curriculum, but also to serve as a vehicle for
everyone who has a stake having a seat (or at least a representative) at the
table. And it means seeking consensus of the area on any decision that will
affect the entire area.
of a Safety Vent:
of your most important roles as chair is to create a "safe place"
where faculty members who feel that their voice is not being heard can speak
out freely. That certainly includes adjuncts and other contingent faculty, who
may feel that the only place they can be heard is at the area level.
forum might take the form of an area-meeting. When I was a chair, I didn’t like
purposeless meetings (I still don’t). I quickly learned, however, that just
because I didn’t think certain topics were important didn’t mean others in the area
had the same perception. And if just listening is the best you can do — well,
at least faculty members will feel like they’re being heard by someone, and
that’s often better than nothing.
to Check Digression from the Vision:
the years I’ve been amazed to observe that — no matter how independent-minded
individual area members might be — the area as a whole either lacks a vision or
tends to take its cue from the chair. A chair who is generally positive fosters
optimism among faculty, whereas one who is negative generates pessimism.
is not necessary to have an area mission statement, but questions like the
following should be considered by the group:
- What are our core beliefs and values?
- What are our most important functions?
- What do we want this area to be known for?
- How do we accomplish that?
- What are our professional standards and expectations?
- How do we fit into, and complement, the larger institution?
have observed that the area chair’s job is probably the hardest in all of
higher education, caught perpetually between administration and faculty,
neither fully one nor fully the other. I’ve certainly experienced that in my
career. But it is also the most personally rewarding job I’ve ever held, in
that I felt I had the opportunity to make a positive difference in people’s
lives, both faculty members and students, every single day.
its inherent difficulties, the job becomes more manageable once you understand
why, mundane tasks aside, you’re there. And that is, ultimately, to serve
faculty, students, and the institution — in that order.
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