Equality forms part of the basic structure of the
Constitution of India. The Preamble to the Constitution of India provides for
equality of status and opportunity.
Article 14 reads as, ‘the State shall not deny to any person
equality before the law and equal protection of laws within the territory of
India’. This Article is the embodiment the principle of Rule of Law. There are
two expressions used in Article 14 –
- equality
before the law, and
- equal
protection of the laws.
The expression ‘equality before law’ means that amongst
equals law shall be equal and shall be equally administered. The expression
‘equal protection of laws’ owes its origin to the doctrine of Rule of Law –
OF LAW/Absence of Arbitrary Power – it means that no man should be punished
except for the breach of the law.
BEFORE THE LAW – it implies equal subjugation of all citizens to the ordinary
law of the land administered by the ordinary courts of law.
OF THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL – constitution is the result of the rights of
the individuals rather than being the source of them.
Equal protection of the laws means the right to equal
treatment in similar circumstances, both in privileges conferred and
liabilities imposed. Equal protection requires affirmative action by the State
towards unequal’s by providing them facilities and opportunities.
Equality was first advanced historically as equality before
the law. Then it evolved into equality
of opportunity; and, in socialist theory, is framed as equality of results.
Equality of results dissolve the relationship between being able to enjoy the
rewards of one's production and the confiscation of those rewards for
distribution to others, as seen in Marx's slogan, "From each according to
his ability, to each according to his need."
Disconnects between work and reward undermines the motivation
to work and to innovate. Why work or take risks when the profits, if one is
successful, go to others? If the state takes away an incentive to work and
produce, the country ends up taking away the producers. Even Stalin, wished to
maintain some connection between production and distribution: he inserted into
the Soviet Constitution the modified slogan, "From each according to his
abilities, to each according to his work."
The object of socialism is supposedly to increase economic
equality by levelling out the wealth in society among individuals and families.
This is done by taking wealth from those with more than the average and
redistributing it to those with less than the average. As wealth will not
usually be voluntarily surrendered, the redistribution would have to be
enforced by government agencies, backed by laws and administrative regulations.
Socialism in practice, however, has usually resulted in members of the
governments redistributing the wealth they seize to themselves and their
Economic equality that requires a strong government usually
ends up resulting in political inequality: political leaders and the
bureaucratic elite are in political, and with it economic, control. In the
socialist political hierarchy, those at the top are close to absolute power;
those below have no power.
Socialism has proven incompatible with democracy. Socialist
countries have tended to become arrogant dictatorships, one-party states,
totalitarian in culture and security. Security agencies have a free hand to
enforce conformity. Thatcher is quoted as saying, "the problem with
socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
Activists for equality-of-result demand an even more radical
disconnect between work and reward. RaGa is peddling his “Nyuntam Aay Yojana,
or NYAY - Minimum Income Guarantee" scheme advocating state economic
support for those "unable or unwilling to work." Even within his
party, at present, leaders do not bind themselves to observe the laws to which
they are supporting RaGa to bind the rest of the country. As Lee Atwater
reportedly put it, "The dawgs don't like the dawg food."
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