Saturday, 25 August 2018

Social Justice

(News Item courtesy: Hindustan Times, Delhi, Gurgaon 24 August 2018)**

There is absolutely no reason to believe that if every class at the Institutions of Higher Education contained fifty percent Hindu students from the erstwhile disadvantaged sections of the society - who are admitted with little reference to other qualifications - the institutions’ standards and reputation would automatically improve. Similarly, there is absolutely no reason to believe that if every public and professional service in the country contained fifty percent public servants and professionals from the erstwhile disadvantaged sections of the society - who are taken on board without any reference to their calibre and capabilities - the standards of public and professional service would automatically improve.

Hindus should not, qua Hindus, ask for special privileges and concessions in educational institutions and job opportunities. I say so because I strongly believe that such demands will not solve the problems faced by the weaker elements among the Hindus, i.e. those who do not now possess essential educational, financial, and social resources. Experience tells us that "concessions" mostly benefit those who already are in better circumstances. We should also bear in mind that any institution readily giving "concessions" soon begins to decline in status and standards.

If the so called advantaged sections of the Hindu society were guilty of not letting the disadvantaged sections progress in the past, the disadvantaged sections cannot take away the opportunities from the so called advantaged sections in future through a constitutional arrangement. This is like making the future generations pay for the crimes of the previous by denying them their future. Such a system of social justice cannot reduce but only increase the social divide.

Bringing up the educational, financial, and social resources of the disadvantaged is both a national and a social imperative. But bringing them up by keeping the advantaged down is possibly not the right approach. Nor would it solve the economic problems faced by the disadvantaged Hindus. Blindly granting privileges to all the disadvantaged would only cast a shadow over the achievements of the worthier and more talented among them.

The ‘socially disadvantaged’ class should not be converted to a ‘constitutionally advantaged’ class in a way which creates a new class of ‘socially-advantaged-constitutionally disadvantaged.’

**(News Item courtesy: Hindustan Times, Delhi, Gurgaon 24 August 2018)

World Class(?) Indian Institutions will soon be able to produce no-class learners by hiring third class faculties. This kind of adventurism will affect not only some people but future generations. Intellectual annihilation of India doesn’t require a Macaulay in 21st century? Indian politicians will do so more effectively and efficiently!!


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Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Greetings on Indian Independence Day

My Brothers and Sisters of Hindustan,

Greeting on the festive occasion of the National Day, 72nd Independence Day!

Being a Hindustani means knowing the deep insights of the sages of Hindustan, giving importance to them and following their recommendations in our own life. Being Hindustani means keeping the welfare of all creatures including animals and plants in our heart. Being Hindustani means following our discretion and using our intellect. Fanaticism gives the same pain to Hindustanis as much as it gives to others. Being Hindustani means to be intelligent - not confused or foolish or gullible. Trumpeting religion or religious fervour is not the proof of being Hindustani.

Hindustaniyat is Insaaniyat, a 'Dharma' (much larger than the connotation of a religion) which is the rapid flow of the seven rivers (Sapta Sindhu), one which has absorbed all the attacking foreign invaders and insurgents in its might and forced them to either flow with the current, or to turn their backs and run away. All those who came from foreign lands, religiosities and cultures were either forced to go back or get assimilated in Hindustan. What is ironic is that foreigners have become Hindi, Hindu and Hindustani, but whatever Hindus, under duress or other compulsion, but not under a free will, converted to the religion of foreign invaders, are opposing their ancestral religion and talking about defending foreign religions adopted by them in due course.

In 1857, in the fight to gain independence from the British, Hindustan got independence from the rule of Mughals and the British, but the British crown snatched this freedom away. After 90 years of struggle, 71 years ago, Hindustan got independence from the British rule in 1947 and the Swarajya was established.

The top band in the national Flag of India is of Kesaria or Saffron colour, which reflects the strength, valour and courage of the country. The white band with the blue ‘Dharma Chakra’ indicates movement, progress, strength in unity, peace and truth. The lower band, green in colour, shows the fertility of the land, the development and displays auspiciousness. Saffron is a colour that is most associated with 'Sanatan' and Hinduism. Islam has many traditional associations with green colour. White and blue colour is associated with Christianity. How easily, the Hindustani flag has soaked everybody!

Rather than treating the wounds inflicted on the pride and the suzerainty of Hindustan by the Mughal and the British Monarchies, we have let them remain like the wretched oozing wound on the forehead of Ashwathama, the son of Guru Dronacharya the nephew of Rajguru Krupacharya of Kuru Dynasty in the Hindustani epic ‘Mahabharat.’ All Hindustanis have yet to get free of this irritating disability by treating this gangrenous wound.

I think it was Voltaire who said, “God gave me intelligence. I think HE wants me to use it…”

From a Hindustani, to all my Hindustani brothers and sisters, greetings and salutations on August 15, 2018, the Independence day ...

Jai Hind !!
Vande Mataram!!

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Friday, 10 August 2018

Caste System– An Indian Rather Than a Hindu Phenomenon

The caste system is beyond Hindu society and it exists in all religions in India.

The Muslims who came to the subcontinent during the 12th century were already divided into social classes such as priests, nobles and others. Further, a racial segregation demarcated the local Muslim converts from those of foreign origin. The foreigners claimed a superior status as they were associated with the conquerors, and categorized themselves as Ashraf ("noble"). Over time, the Indian Muslim society also split on the basis of the existing Hindu caste system. As per Ghaus Mohiuddin Ansari, a scholar of urban anthropologist of international acclaim, there are following broad categories of Muslim social divisions in India [See Ghaus Ansari (1960) “Muslim Caste in Uttar Pradesh: A Study of Culture Contact”]:

  • upper-class Muslims who claim foreign-origin descent from Afghans, Arabs, Persians, Turks etc. E.g. Mughal, Pathan, Sayyid, Sheikh

  • who converted to Islam to escape India’s caste system Converts from upper caste Hindus, E.g. Muslim Rajputs; and
  • Converts from other "clean" castes, E.g. Darzi, Dhobi, Dhuniya, Gaddi, Faqir, Hajjam (Nai), Julaha, Kabaria, Kumhar, Kunjra, Mirasi, Manihar, Teli

  • Converts from untouchable castes, lowest caste of Hindus, E.g. Bhangi

Indian law does not provide benefits for "Untouchable Christians", however Christians have been agitating for the same rights given to Hindu, Buddhist, and Sikh Scheduled castes. Justice KG Balakrishnan a former Chief Justice of India had asked: "Could the Christians admit that they practise caste system and that Dalits (among them) face social discrimination requiring reservation to uplift their cause? This is not all that easy. The caste system among Indian Christians often reflects stratification by sect, location, and the castes of their predecessors. [Encyclopaedia Britannica]

There are separate seats, separate communion cups, burial grounds, and churches for members of the lower castes [Webster, John. 1994, The Christian Dalits: A History] especially in the Latin Catholic Church. Catholic churches in India are largely controlled by upper caste priests and nuns. Presently in India, more than 70 per cent of Latin Catholics are Dalits, but the higher caste Catholics (30% by estimates) control 90 per cent of the Catholic churches administrative jobs. As per, out of the 156 catholic bishops, only six are from lower castes.

Does America have a caste system? Surely, at least while camping!



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