Tuesday, 30 April 2019

In Death, We Live; In Life, We Die

“Good Deeds” will be rewarded and “Bad Deeds” shall be punished by the Universe – this belief grips people and forces them to critic if they are making the right decision. It’s a comforting thought that evaluates people’s choices without issuing a reward or judgment.

Improvements in medical science, institutionalised health care and alternative medicine has resulted in increase in life-spans and reduction in sudden deaths. Old age is a reality. Old people need support, education, and companionship during times of high stress. Above all, old people need end-of-life care as well.

We celebrate life and living, and rightly so, because span of life and the joys of living, both are quite tentative and finite. We see a birth as an uplifting, optimistic event because it’s a new life, but it’s exactly the same thing as death, when we are willing to look at death as the freedom from all sort of insecurities over our choices and decisions, thoughts like “I didn’t do enough or I wasn’t good at anything,” our failures and achievements, “Good Deeds” and “Bad Deeds” and in death lies the beginning of a new legacy.

People leave behind legacies – including such simple things as – things they collected, community service they did, family recipes they mastered, incidents they narrated, mischief and pranks they enjoyed, the progeny, and so many more.

Celebrating death is not everyone’s cup of tea and very few people tend to be comfortable with a positive approach to death. A lot of that is hesitance about death, not wanting to confront their own mortality, and thinking, “It’s just going to be depressing.”

Inevitability of death has been flagged but not the fact that we start dying from the day of our birth. Death is the end-point of the process of dying. Death freaks us out because it’s such a final event, but the process of dying really intimidates people. When society gets more comfortable with the dying process, death will make more sense.

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Thursday, 25 April 2019

Shielding Muslims through protectionism causing their social exclusion

The self-proclaimed seculars know that the Muslim women are living in the dungeons of abuse and suppression, but they don't want to challenge anyone because they think, 'Oh, well this is their religious and cultural way.'

One of our greatest challenges here in India is that these so called liberals and progressives, who are willing to chastise Hindus for any and every of their customs and beliefs, don't always stand with the progressive Muslims because in the interest of freedom of religion and civil liberties and political correctness, they don't want to offend personal and collective choices of majority of Muslims.

These altruists are mostly left-wing Hindus, who in the name of protecting them from the right-wing Hindus, are building protective walls around Muslims, without realising that such secluded living leads to social exclusion of Muslims from the larger Indian society. Muslim ghetto-isation is the undeniable outcome, both in India and in the West.

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Monday, 22 April 2019

A salute to Indian scientists

Bharateeya (Indian) scientists have successfully carried out the test of an anti-satellite missile by bringing down one of its satellites in the low earth orbit 300 kilometres from the Earth’s surface. This test was to “safeguard” India’s own “space assets.”

This brings India in the small group of nations that claim to have anti-satellite weapons. Only the United States, China and Russia have demonstrated this capability till now. Israel is also said to possess this capability, though it has not carried out a test so far.

Hindus have forever been accused of having too much of resilience because hundreds of invasions and over thousand years of foreign power and influence could not wipe-off Hindutva – the Hindustani way of life. This claim tells us less about the strength of Bharat (India) and more about the anti-Hindutva schema and anti-Bharat agenda of the social, political and religious ideologues of all shades and calibre.

History has proven that Bharteeyas (Hindus, Indians) need more power and influence than other groups to secure their safety. During the last 1300 years, Hindus have had the morality on their side, but they have lacked the power and influence to save millions of their brothers and sisters from systematic repression, tyranny, despotism and murder.

The truth is that if India were to put down her defence and security there would be no more India. If Pakistan were to put down their arms there would be no more war.

When Bharteeya power and influence are used in the cause of peace and justice - as it is today - in the latter half of the second decade of the 21st century - there is nothing to be ashamed of. It should be a source of pride for every Bharteeya (children of Bharat Mata), every Hindu (resident of Hindustan), and every Indian (national of India).

Bharat must never be afraid of using her well-earned power and influence for the safety and welfare of Bharat.

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Saturday, 20 April 2019

Masses are Gullible but Intelligentsia is More Gullible

Socialist leanings of young Indians should not be a surprise to anyone familiar with our educational system, from primary school through university, which has evidently been captured by Marxists, with the tacit support of the Indian National Congress.

With their familiar cries of a world supposedly divided into oppressors and the oppressed, there is no economic model in Marxism for "I win, you win, and all of us win." It means, if I have done well, somebody on the way must have lost.

Education since independence has consisted largely of anti-eastern and anti-individualistic, as well as anti-Hindu and anti-Hindustani political propaganda, strategically shrouded under the veil of liberalism, secularism and social-justice.

Since the History of Mankind, Bharat (India), Bharateeya (Indian) and Bharteeyataa (Indianism) has been driven by Hindutva-ethos of pluralism and Sanaatan views of equal reverence for all religions.

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु, मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om, May All become Happy, May all be Free from Illness.
May All See what is Auspicious, May no one Suffer.
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

Nationalism or Hindu-fanaticism or emergent Right-wing or “Bhagvaa Terror” are just some of the abuses being hurled at those people and their thoughts who are anti-leftist and anti-Marxist.  

It is unfortunate but true that intellectuals also become supporters of and apologists for the unworthy political leaders; which Noam Chomsky calls as “The Treachery of the Intelligentsia.” Beware “liberals” and “moderates;” your naivety is being exploited over and over again.


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Thursday, 18 April 2019

And it will follow, As the Night, the Day…

पलक झपकिये – यह आया 2024

[English version below: Just shut your eyes – Here comes 2024]

2024 में, भारत में, सभी संभावित अगले आम चुनाव होंगे। इन दिनों राजनीतिक दलों द्वारा किए जा रहे सभी वादे भूले जाएंगे। लगभग 8 करोड़ नये मतदाता पहली बार मतदान कर सकेंगे। यह नये मतदाता इस समय अपनी किशोरावस्था में हैं। इसी तरह कुछ 7 करोड़ नामों को वर्तमान मतदाता-सूचियों से हटाया जाना होगा, क्योंकि इन लोगों के तब तक जीवित रहने की संभावना नहीं है।

फिर भी एक और महत्वपूर्ण घटना घटेगी। वर्ष 2014 में , कम से कम 300 वर्षों में पहली बार - और शायद रिकॉर्ड किए गए इतिहास में भी पहली बार - चीन दुनिया का सबसे अधिक आबादी वाला देश नहीं होगा। यह सम्मान एक ऐसे देश को जाएगा जिससे चीनी इन दिनों आम तौर पर घृणा करते हैं लेकिन डरते भी हैं। ज़ी हां – वह देश है - भारत।
"लाइक" "फोलो" "शेयर" और "कमेंटस" का स्वागत है।
चर्चा की गुणवत्ता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए, स्पष्टता, लंबाई और प्रासंगिकता के लिए टिप्पणियों को संपादित किया जा सकता है। ऐसी टिप्पणियां जो अत्यधिक प्रचार या दुर्भाव-ग्रसित हैं, या ऑफ-टॉपिक हैं, उन्हे हटाया जा सकता है।


Just shut your eyes - Here comes 2024

[Hindi version above: पलक झपकिये यह आया 2024]

In 2024, India will, in all likelihood, have the next general elections. The promises being made by the political parties now will all be long forgotten. Some 80 million first time voters would join the electorate. They are all in their teens now. Likewise some 70 million names would have to be removed from the present voters-lists, because these people are likely to cease to exist by then.

Yet another momentous event will occur. Then, for the first time in at least 300 years — and maybe for the first time in recorded history — China will not be the world's most populous society. That honour will go to a country the Chinese generally both detest and fear, India.

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