Monday, 31 December 2018

Scorpion on Shivling

Shashi Tharoor says, “Mr Modi is a like a Scorpion sitting on a Shivling. You cannot move it with your hand and you cannot hit it with a chappal either.”

He further says, “I worship a Shivling at home & carry a miniature Shivling in my pocket daily.”

I have no comments on the language and metaphorical attack by Shashi Tharoor on Modi. I do have however suffered a deep wound to my faith and beliefs in Hinduisms and have a feeling of very strong repulsion, condemnation towards Shashi Tharoor for the way he has disparaged my Gods.

Kedarakhanda- Maheswarakhanda of Skanda Purana mentions names of all serpents which are present on Lord Shiva as ornaments.

Narada goes to Kailasa and sees the Lord Shiva the lord of the three worlds, as being served by Suras and Asuras. The lord had the lustre of pure gold. His lotus-like feet were served by Sankha, the excellent serpent. He was served by the following serpents: Dhrtarastra, Takşaka in particular, the great serpent Padma and Šeșa in particular. He was continuously served by other excellent serpents. Vasuki had become a necklace of great lustre and was retained in the neck. Kambala and Asvatara were his perpetual ear-rings. Other excellent serpents were ensconced at the root of his matted hair.

Shashi Tharoor may well benefit from reading “Skand Purana” the thirteenth in the sequence of Puranas; provided he is aware of them. “Skand Purana” with 81000 shlokas is long to read and he may skip directly to “Maheswarakhanda” of “Skand Purana

Shashi Tharoor may read at- the following in English:

While describing the worship of Siva Linga, Sage Lomesh emphasised that there was no difference of Bhagavan Siva and Lord Vishnu:

Yo Vishnuh sah Sivo Jneyo yah Sivo Vishnureva sah, Peethika Vishnu Rupamsyallinga ruupee Maheswarah / Thasmallinga- archanam sreshtham Sarveyshaamapi vai Dwijah

(He who is Vishnu is Siva and Siva be known as Vishnu Himself; the base is Vishnu and the ‘Linga’ is Maheswara and thus worship of Siva Linga is idyllic).

Brahma worships the Linga made of ‘Mani’ Stone, Indra worships ‘Ratna’ Linga, Chandra of Pearl made Linga, Surya of copper, Kuber of Silver made Linga, Varun of Ruby, Yama of Blue coloured Linga, Vayu of Kesari colour and so on. Inhabitants of Pataala too worship Siva. Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Daityas and Rakshasas were no exception. Bali, Namuchi, Hiranyakasipu, Vrishaparva, and several of Sukracharya followers were great Bhaktas of Maha Deva.

Ravanaasura was an illustrious devotee of Maha Siva who bestowed a number of boons in appreciation of the Demon’s severe ‘Tapasya’ such as Gyan, Vigyan, invincibility in battles, and even double the number of heads of Panchamukha Parameswara! Ravan thus became the Lord of Trilokas.

As Devas approached Nandi to entreat Maha Deva to get rid of the menace of Ravana, Nandi gave the background as to why he sported the face of a monkey when Ravana waited to meet Maha Deva; Nandi did not like the comments of Ravana about Nandi’s face and gave a curse that a monkey-face placed before a human being in the Avatar of Lord Vishnu would herald the death of Ravana. Nandi also advised Devas to pray for Vishnu (who too was the same as Siva) to annhilate Ravana. Thus Devas prayed to Vishnu and the latter advised the Demi-Gods to place Nandi ahead and quickly become ‘Vanaraas’ or monkeys. He would be born at Ayodhya and His consort Sita would be abducted by Ravana who ignored a human being while asking for boons from Siva. Various Devas assumed ‘Amsas’ or alternate forms like Indra as Vali, Brahma as Jambavaan, Surya as Sugriva, the Eleventh Rudra as Hanuman, Seshanag as Lakshman, Vishnu’s ‘Bhujadanda’ or shoulders as Bharat and Shatrughna, Brahma Vidya ( Vedavati in earlier birth) as Devi Sita etc.

Indeed Ravan was an illustrious devotee of Maha Deva but despite that unparalleled devotion to Siva, the Demon’s wish-list and evil actions were totally misdirected to highly immoral purposes and wicked ambitions that had to inevitably lead to destruction; yet, the steadfast devotion to Parama Siva was credited to provide salvation not only to himself but also his family and followers. Ravana could never realise that both Maha Deva and Bhagavan Vishnu were one and the same, as a thick veil of Maya (Illusion) misdirected him totally, vindicating the absolute Truth that Vishnu and Siva were indeed just the same; foolish entities like Ravana followed wrong convictions!

Shashi Tharoor as claimed by him has pocketed Shiv and possibly doesnot know that Shivling is not carried around in pockets. If Shiv-Bhakta Ravana did not survive attempting to pocket Shiva, all others Shiva-Bhakts, like Shashi Tharoor, better be careful.

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Sunday, 30 December 2018

2019 - Crystal-Gazing: Opinion of the Electorate - भविष्य की झांकी: मतदाताओं की राय

CRYSTAL-GAZING: Opinion of the Electorate just before the 2019 General Elections

[Because I don’t want to choose between the ‘devil’ and the ‘deep-sea’ and I quiver being left with NO CHOICES for the next government]

Were there any real differences between the UPA and the NDA governments?
  • One governed through mean self interest; the other governed by reckless adventurism
  • One was oblivious to the future and destroyed the present; the other was correcting the present but destroyed the future
  • One lived off the charisma of a dynasty; the other thrived on charisma of one man
  • One rewarded loyalty to the dynasty; the other rewarded loyalty to the man
  • One had muted its Prime Minister; the other had muted most of its Ministers
  • One had smart ministers of corrupt intents; the other had stupid ministers of confused intents
  • One had divided the country on religion and tried to appease the minority; the other further divided the religious majority on caste and tried to appease the so called lower castes
  • ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

CRYSTAL-GAZING: Opinion of the Electorate just after the 2019 General Elections
  • One was done in by its allies; the other was done in by its ‘Bhasmasurs’ and ‘Shakunis’
  • End of the Story
ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति:॥

Hindi version follows:
हिन्दी संस्करण आगे है:

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भविष्य की झांकी: मतदाताओं की राय – 2019 के आम चुनावों से तुरंत पहले

[क्योंकि मैं अंधे-गहरे ‘खाई’ और ‘कुएं’ के बीच चयन नहीं करना चाहता हूं और मुझे लगता है कि अगली सरकार चुनने में मेरे पास और कोई विकल्प नहीं होगा]

क्या यूपीए और एनडीए सरकारों के बीच कोई वास्तविक अंतर था?
  • पहले ने नीच स्वहित के माध्यम से शासन किया; दूसरे ने उतावले दुस्साहस के माध्यम से
  • पहले ने भविष्य की परवाह नही की और वर्तमान को नष्ट कर दिया; दूसरे ने वर्तमान को सही करने के फेर में भविष्य को ही नष्ट कर दिया
  • पहला वंशवाद के करिश्मे से चला; दूसरा सिर्फ एक आदमी के करिश्मे से
  • पहले ने वंश के लिए वफादारी को पुरस्कृत किया; दूसरे ने सिर्फ एक आदमी के लिए वफादारी को पुरस्कृत किया
  • पहले ने अपने प्रधान मंत्री को मूक कर रखा था; दूसरे ने अपने अधिकांश मंत्रियों को मूक कर रखा था
  • पहले के पास भ्रष्ट लक्ष्यों से लैस चतुर मंत्री थे; दूसरे के पास व्याकुल इरादों के जाहिल मंत्री थे
  • पहले ने देश को धर्म पर विभाजित कर धार्मिक अल्पसंख्यक को प्रसन्न करने की कोशिश की थी; दूसरे ने धार्मिक बहुसंख्यक को जाति पर विभाजित कर पिछड़ी जाति को खुश करने की कोशिश की थी
  • ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

भविष्य की झांकी: मतदाताओं की राय – 2019 के आम चुनावों के तुरंत बाद
  • पहले को उसके अपने अवसरवादी सहयोगी ले डूबे थे, दूसरा स्वयं के वरदान प्राप्तिकर्ता “भस्मासुरो” द्वारा खाक कर दिया गया था।
  • इति।
ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति:॥

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Saturday, 29 December 2018

Marketing Chiefs: Focus on people's love, not hate!!

Remember (?) advertising for ‘Dove’ – as in “Dove is not a soap – it is one quarter moisturising crème.” This refers to calling attention to the positioning of the product category but refuting it for the brand in the same category. This is not positioning Dove as not being a soap but highlighting a product attribute which other brands in the category may not have – it’s competitive parity method of positioning a brand against a category – the point of parity being that ‘Dove is in fact a soap’ yet the point of difference being – it is different from all other soaps in terms of its product attribute resulting into a differential (superior) consumer benefit.

Marketing for products promising sustainability has usually seen their positioning as what they “weren’t.” (it is analogous to saying ‘Dove is in fact not a soap’ which was never the intent or the meaning in its communication actually). Products promising sustainability are a different product category in terms of their attributes (points of difference) but using parity of benefits with a less sustainable category, which they wish to take on. The proposition here is same consumer benefits, entirely different attributes and an Extra value proposition of sustainability and ethicality.

Notice these:

1.              Mock Meat isn’t meat. (Good for vegetarians and vegans). Mock meat, also known as meat analogue, faux meat or vegan meat, is a cruelty-free substitute for animal-derived meat. It looks like meat, cooks like meat and tastes like meat but it’s healthier, better for the environment and doesn’t involve killing any animals. Today, mock meat brands are emerging in India, and are armed with numerous kinds of textured meat. You could literally replace meat in any recipe with mock meat and it will be the same.  Some brands are on the market –
·         Veggie Champ
·         Good Dot
·         Vegeta Gold
·         Vezlay
·         Vegitein


2.              Solar isn’t fossil fuel. (Good for environment) The climate change openly call for the world to make a shift to an alternate fuel; a fuel that brings with itself both the dependability and usability of fossil fuels. Some players in India’s solar industry are:
·         Tata Power Solar Systems Ltd.
·         Kotak Urja Pvt. Ltd.
·         Moser Baer Solar Ltd.
·         Indosolar Ltd.
·         Photon Energy Systems Ltd.

3.              Soy milk isn’t a dairy product.  (Good for vegans and people with dairy allergies) Some brands on the market:
·         Sofit
·         Soy Milky
·         So Good
·         Soyfresh
·         Soyvita

Positioning against the negative helped companies attract consumers who were revolting against the polluting impacts of standard manufacturing practices and products. But doing so ignored what potential customers still wanted, whether a product was sustainable or not: delicious in taste, high on performance, reliable in terms of quality and comfort, and overall satisfaction.

Many eco-conscious consumers have given up meat grudgingly. But that doesn’t mean they don’t miss the savoury taste of a good burger.  It is not a good idea to build a brand by telling people not to eat what they love; instead, encourage people to eat more of their favourite food — just a healthier, more humane, more sustainable version.  

Consider the following suggestions and examples for focussing on people's love rather than their hate –

1.      Consumers shopping for fuel-efficient cars were convinced they had to sacrifice safety and speed. People don’t just buy a car, they invest in a brand. Build a brand on what most of the drivers would value above fuel efficiency - delivering the high level of quality and performance - but bringing along fuel efficiency too.

2.      Women don’t want to give up make-up. But beauty products contain many toxic chemicals. What’s the choice? Risk cancer or go make-up free?  The opportunity lies in developing innovative products that provide the same level of beauty as their conventional counterparts conforming to new standard of safety which you set to lead the industry.

3.      Most domestic gadgets, appliances and lighting brands can stretch the technology and stress their technological prowess but declare, “Saving energy is a beautiful thing.” Not that it saves money or is good for the planet, both of which are true.

4.      Government is enacting plastic bag fees and other laws to reduce use of plastic bags. Retailers and departmental stores are on a mission in stopping the use of throwaway plastic bags by encouraging shoppers to BYOB (bring your own bag). There lies the opportunity of empowering people to take an active role; giving them a shopping bag which they would love to flaunt: an inexpensive, durable, fashionable and affordable bag they can use over and over and over again.  Business could be expanded to co-branding operation so that other businesses can take advantage of the good will that the brand creates in the marketplace and appear to do right by association.

5.      For decades, selling more sustainable products was hindered by limited access to customers because of established channels of distribution — many of which were hard, if not impossible, for purpose-driven brands to infiltrate. Today, organic dairies and cow-milk dairies are surviving by resurrecting the home delivery “milkman.”

6.      Women silently face problems in public washrooms because of unhygienic toilet seats, making them prone to infections. Archit Agarwal realised the problems while compiling a report on the condition of public washrooms. He joined hands with a colleague to plunge into entrepreneurship. They built a novel sanitation device, which allows women to stand and urinate eliminating physical contact of body with dirty toilet seats and with it, the risk of infections. In this social media era of revealing tell-all and first-person narratives, explaining a new product with a compelling origin story sells.

Marketing driven with the purpose of sustainability need not compromise with the wants of the consumers. In fact, sustainability is not anti-consumer satisfaction; it provides additional gratification for the customer and more opportunities for differentiation.


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Friday, 28 December 2018

Sabarimala Verdict goes astray from the Realm of Hindu Beliefs and Customs?

A careful look at the 411 page Judgment delivered on 28 September 2018 by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 373 OF 2006 popularly known as the Sabarimala case ( raises many questions. To begin with, the questions that came up right at para 2 (page-2), where Deepak Mishra J. says, “The attribute of devotion to divinity cannot be subjected to the rigidity and stereotypes of gender” are:

  • Is this observation applicable only to some of the Hindu shrines or to all the shrines of all deities and religions?
  • Is the Supreme Court trying to protect the rights of the Hindu devotee women or the activists?
  • If deities are juristic persons in the eyes of law, do they have any rights? If river Ganga has the rights of a living being as per a judicial pronouncement, would Lord Ayyappa have any rights or the deity has to present Himself before any and every person visiting Him? Can or should the visitors come to visit the Padmanabha temple bare chest irrespective of their gender?
  • Can such attributes of devotion to divinity like the method of worship, chants, prayers, rituals be subjected to definitions and propriety of the deity? Would Digamber Jain saints be subjected to humiliation in the name of such gender equality? How about Naga Sadhus at the Kumbh?
  • Can a Hindu devotee go to a church or a mosque and chant “Om” rather than the invocation to “Father, son and the Holy Spirit” or the “Kalama.” Can Hindu women hold a “Mata ki Chowki” type of event during the Urs at Nizammuddin or Ajmer Shareef?
  • Conversely can devotion to divinity be subjected to the rigidity and stereotypes of the religion of birth of the devotee or ones current faith (including lack of it) in any religion?

Deepak Mishra J. begins para-3 (page-3) by saying, “Any relationship with the Creator is a transcendental one crossing all socially created artificial barriers and not a negotiated relationship bound by terms and conditions. Such a relationship and expression of devotion cannot be circumscribed by dogmatic notions of biological or physiological factors arising out of rigid socio-cultural attitudes which do not meet the constitutionally prescribed tests. Patriarchy in religion cannot be permitted to trump over the element of pure devotion borne out of faith and the freedom to practise and profess one’s religion.”

Only the Abrahamic religions talk of one Male God as the creator; Hindus believe in Trinities of Gods and Goddesses at the apex followed by thousands of other Gods and Goddesses representing nearly every aspect of nature and celestial formations. Hindus worship deities in temples. Hindus do have a system of negotiated relationships with Gods – partnerships in business, promised actions of prayer/pilgrimage/presents to the deity upon the fulfillment of the wishes and desires of the devotee by the deity. Hindus do not consider all of such Gods and Goddesses to be creators. Hindus believe in necessity of a bath before going to a temple or performing prayers. They do not take footwear inside the temples.

Questions raised earlier become more emphatic in light of this articulation by the Hon’ble CJI. To add to those, further questions which come up are:
  • Is the Supreme Court sweeping away all Hindu beliefs and propagating the notion of one unitary God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
  • Does the Creator which the Hon’ble CJI referring to, has a gender? Is such a notion less patriarchal?
  • Why Jesus and Mohammed, sons of the God males? Did they have any female siblings worthy of worship?
  • Irrespective of the deity worshiped, is the Supreme Court stating that all temples be attributed to the singular male creator and not the myriad of Gods and Goddesses in whom Hindus believe?
  • Is segregation of devotees in separate queues according to their gender not discriminatory and against constitutional morality?
  • Since Hindu religion promises and advocates “Sarva Dharma Sambhav” can Hindus take their prayers and rituals in to the places of worship of non-Hindu religions?

To a naïve person, most of the judgment appears to be a speech of a social reformer rather than a judicial pronouncement. Is the Supreme Court of India charged with the responsibility of being the savior of the Constitution or a social reformer? Do social reforms override religious beliefs? Are such social and religious reforms mandated only for the Hindu society and religion while all other religions are protected from such judicial trespass? Is it true that usually only the Hindu Shrines are taken over for administration by the state and thereafter, the affairs of such temples and shrines is subject to political and administrative overreach of the Government and the Courts?

Overreach from Supreme Court, an institution which is possibly the most opaque in its own conduct and affairs, is arrogance and obstinacy rather than a positive reform. The guardian of all freedoms does not allow anyone the freedom to question or comment upon its own conduct brandishing the sword of “Contempt of Court.” Have the fallible Judges transgressed the Realm of Hindu Beliefs and Customs in Sabarimala Verdict?


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Thursday, 27 December 2018

Is Allah the same as Ishwar? क्या ईश्वर और अल्लाह एक ही हैं?


“Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram” (sometimes called “Ram Dhun”) is a notable “bhajan (Hindu devotional song) that was widely popularized by Mahatma Gandhi. [Dalton, Dennis (1993). Mahatma Gandhi: Nonviolent Power in Action. Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-231-12237-3.]

The most common version is the one put out by Gandhi himself, which he adapted from the original.  This Gandhi’s version was sung by him and his followers as they walked during the 241 mile Salt March to Dandi.

Hindi lyrics as adapted by Gandhi - Transliteration:

raghupati rāghav rājārām, patit pāvan sītārām
sītārām, jai sītārām, bhaj pyāre tu sītārām
ishwar allah tero naam, sab ko sanmati de bhagavān
rāma rahīm karīm samān, hama saba hai unaki santān
saba mila māṅge yaha varadān, hamara rahe mānava kā jñān


O Lord Rama, descendent of Raghu, Uplifter of the fallen;
O Godess Sita and Lord Ram, triumph to Sita and Ram, recite the revered names Sita and Ram;
Ishwar and Allah are Your names, please give this wisdom to everyone;
Ram, Rahim, Karim all are equal, we are all their children;
humankind prevails as our wisdom, all of us collectively request this boon.

We grew up being told that this was the favourite prayer of Mahatma Gandhi. We were also made to recite it and sing it at the school. Our children received the same advice and had similar experience in their schools. As their parents and as their go-to-encyclopaedia, we reinforced the suggestion in the minds of our children.

A QUESTION to all–
·         leaders of the Indian National Congress
·         leaders of all other political parties
·         the secularists and civil society members
·         the followers of Hindu faith in India both Good Hindus and Bad Hindus (as defined by Shashi Tharoor – who is fancying himself as a huge Hindu and an immense historian of modern India)
·         the followers of Muslim faith in India both Good Muslims and Bad Muslims (corresponding to the definition of Shashi Tharoor)


Do you agree –?

Ram, Rahim, Karim all are equal, we are all their children;
Allah and Ishwar are names of the same GOD;
And this wisdom is for everyone;

Should there be a disagreement, immediate and concrete steps must be initiated to stop this erroneous propounding of Gandhi’s tempered version of “Ram Dhun” to our future generations. The glory of the original must be restored; as is being done with the names of towns and cities.

Hindi – Original - Transliteration:

Raghupati raghava rajaram, Patita paavana sitaram
Sundara vigraha meghashyam, Ganga tulasi salagram
Bhadra girishwara sitaram, Bhagat janapriya sitaram
Janaki ramana sitaram, Jaya jaya raghava sitaram


Hindi version follows:
हिन्दी संस्करण आगे है:

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क्या ईश्वर और अल्लाह एक ही हैं?

 “रघुपति राघव राजा राम” (कभी-कभी "राम धुन" भी कहा जाता है) एक उल्लेखनीय "भजन” (हिंदू भक्ति गीत) है जिसे महात्मा गांधी द्वारा व्यापक रूप से लोकप्रिय किया गया था। [डाल्टन, डेनिस (1993) महात्मा गांधी: नॉन वोयलेंट पॉवर इन एक्शन; कोलंबिया यूनिवर्सिटी प्रेस; आईएसबीएन 0213-12237-31]

सबसे आम संस्करण गांधी द्वारा खुद दिया गया है, जिसे उन्होंने मूल से अनुकूलित किया था। गांधी के संस्करण को उनके और उनके अनुयायियों द्वारा 241 मील के नमक आन्दोलन के दांडी मार्च के दौरान गाया गया था।

गांधी द्वारा अनुकूलित संस्करण

रघुपति राघव राजाराम, पतित पावन सीताराम
सीताराम सीताराम, भज प्यारे तू सीताराम
ईश्वर अल्लाह तेरो नाम, सब को सन्मति दे भगवान
राम रहीम करीम समान, हम सब है उनकी संतान
सब मिल मांगे यह वरदान, हमारा रहे मानव का ज्ञान

हमें बताया गया कि यह महात्मा गांधी की पसंदीदा प्रार्थना थी। स्कूल में हमें इसे पढ़वाया और गवाया जाता था। हमारे बच्चों को उनके स्कूलों में भी ऎसी ही सलाह और ऐसा ही अनुभव मिला था। उनके माता-पिता के रूप में और उनके हमेशा-सुलभज्ञानकोष के रूप में, अपने बच्चों के दिमाग में हमने यही सोच को मजबूत किया।

निम्न सभी से एक प्रश्न है:
  • भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस के नेताओं से
  • अन्य सभी राजनीतिक दलों के नेताओं से
  • धर्मनिरपेक्षता के मतवालों और सभ्य समाज के सदस्यों से
  • भारत में हिंदू धर्म के अनुयायियों से - दोनों अच्छे हिंदुओं और बुरे हिंदुओं (जैसा कि शशि थरूर द्वारा परिभाषित किया गया है - जो स्वयं को एक प्रचंड हिंदू और आधुनिक भारत के महान इतिहासकार समझने के भ्रम में हैं)
  • भारत में मुस्लिम धर्म के अनुयायियों से - अच्छे मुस्लिम और बुरे मुस्लिम दोनों (शशि थरूर की परिभाषा के अनुरूप)

और प्रश्न है:

क्या आप सहमत हैं कि -
  • राम, रहीम, करीम सभी बराबर हैं, हम सभी उनके बच्चे हैं;
  • अल्लाह और ईश्वर एक ही भगवान के नाम हैं; और
  • उपरोक्त ज्ञान हर किसी के लिए है?

अगर असहमति है, तो गांधी द्वारा तोड़-मरोड़ दिये राम धुनके संस्करण के इस ग़लत प्रचार को रोकने के लिए तत्काल और ठोस कदम उठाए जाने चाहिए और हमारी भावी पीढ़ियों को इस धर्मनिरपेक्षता के आडम्बर से बचाना चाहिये। जैसा कि कस्बों और शहरों के नाम से किया जा रहा है; मूल संस्करण की महिमा बहाल की जानी चाहिए।

मूल संस्करण
रघुपति राघव राजाराम, पतित पावन सीताराम
सुंदर विग्रह मेघश्याम, गंगा तुलसी शालग्राम
भद्रगिरीश्वर सीताराम, भगत-जनप्रिय सीताराम
जानकीरमणा सीताराम, जयजय राघव सीताराम


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